freezing time

I have been away for the last week which is why this blog has been quiet. I was back in the UK for a conference, at the University where I came from – the University of Hertfordshire, just 20 miles north of London – and I also spent some time with my folks. I took some images of the village they are from and I will be posting those up soon.

One way I keep in touch with happenings at my old University is through their monthly email to staff on events associated with the University. One thing that caught my eye with the latest missive, photography related of course, is that a member of staff from the School of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering had designed and developed high-speed flash trigger equipment. He then worked with a local company, called Blue Shift, to produce some nice imagery (which I think is usually destined for the walls of corporate offices).

I’ve always been fascinated by high-speed photography, freezing time in essence, and this work I thought was really nice. I am not sure what is innovative about this flash equipment, but I thought that the results were quite beautiful. Look at the Fleeting Glimpses gallery to see what I mean.

5 thoughts on “freezing time”

  1. Argh! Never mind for the Wired atricles are about the camera (imaging), not so much about directly related to (a) flash (system).


  2. Thank you for your kind comments about my work! I found someone had linked from your blog to my site via Google Analytics, so i thought I’d leave you a message! The flash trigger is not a new invention, but this one has a few tricks up it’s sleeve which I designed in with the help of the Ian Munro at the UH electrical engineering dept.
    Not least the ability to trigger several flashguns at intervals after an event. I haven’t used all the features yet as I’ve been busy working on a set of images for my exhibitions this year. If you’d like to know how things progress, please let me know! Ps. My work isn’t just for commercial applications – most of it is aimed at normal human beings too!


    1. Jurgen. Thanks for responding. I’d be really interested in seeing any other work you have and also how you get on with your experiments and developments. I should let you know that we have a high-speed camera in the physics department which is used for physics projects (filming bursting baloons etc). There may be a collaboration there for you also. If I was still around I would certainly be interested in working with you on something, but I am not, so the next best thing I can do is pass on a contact for you. Let me know.

      Keep up the good work!


  3. Thanks mirmilant. I used 16mm high speed film cameras many moons ago at college, and some short duration flash imaging of ballistics at my last job in forensic science. (They now use video for this type of work). I’ll keep you posted on any new developments, although you can see the latest news on my Blogger page or via my website events page. Best wishes, Jurgen


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